It all began with a love affair with the Earth… the Cultiverre story, that is. Actually, now that those words have found their way onto the page, I realize I cannot recall a single moment in my life leading up to the birth of Cultiverre, nor a moment since, that has not been shaped by my love for this majestic place we call home. The well of creativity within + the expression of said creativity both erupt from the awe + appreciation I hold for the natural world.
Summer has held me spellbound this year, and I’ve found myself completely + utterly immersed in the simple joys of the season. As difficult as this year has been, it is Gaia with her persistent gift of new life, her cycle of endings + renewals that fills me with hope for the possibilities that lie within each of us. We each have a role in shaping + building a new world for this generation and the ones that follow. As Rumi so brilliantly reflects, “This being human is a guest house. Every morning, a new arrival,” and I honestly cannot recall a time where our responsibility to honor these words has felt more vital.
As the sun rises in all her glory to greet each day, until she rests her weary head once again upon the horizon, we are each given infinite possibilities with which to shape the day. Life is an ever flowing river, our perceptions forever shifting to make space for the new; and through it all, it is our connection to each other that holds us when all else feels formless. This connection to each other and to the earth, is what we at Cultiverre hope to nurture + support with both our offerings and our stories.
Hence, we offer this invitation (if you will) to connect with us, with our artists, and with the natural world through a wee bit of poetry, photography and prose. We hope you'll find value in our newest offering, this newsletter we're calling FIELD NOTES. Each month we will share ideas for engaging with + cherishing the Earth, we will offer herbal remedies + recipes, we will share artisan + product updates, as well as beautiful inspiration for living a slow, simple, sustainable lifestyle.
With great affection, I offer up a warm welcome to our first edition of FIELD NOTES.
Summer has held me spellbound this year, and I’ve found myself completely + utterly immersed in the simple joys of the season. As difficult as this year has been, it is Gaia with her persistent gift of new life, her cycle of endings + renewals that fills me with hope for the possibilities that lie within each of us. We each have a role in shaping + building a new world for this generation and the ones that follow. As Rumi so brilliantly reflects, “This being human is a guest house. Every morning, a new arrival,” and I honestly cannot recall a time where our responsibility to honor these words has felt more vital.
As the sun rises in all her glory to greet each day, until she rests her weary head once again upon the horizon, we are each given infinite possibilities with which to shape the day. Life is an ever flowing river, our perceptions forever shifting to make space for the new; and through it all, it is our connection to each other that holds us when all else feels formless. This connection to each other and to the earth, is what we at Cultiverre hope to nurture + support with both our offerings and our stories.
Hence, we offer this invitation (if you will) to connect with us, with our artists, and with the natural world through a wee bit of poetry, photography and prose. We hope you'll find value in our newest offering, this newsletter we're calling FIELD NOTES. Each month we will share ideas for engaging with + cherishing the Earth, we will offer herbal remedies + recipes, we will share artisan + product updates, as well as beautiful inspiration for living a slow, simple, sustainable lifestyle.
With great affection, I offer up a warm welcome to our first edition of FIELD NOTES.

*** If you'd like to get this monthly newsletter emailed directly to your inbox, please be sure to subscribe below.